For the Little Things...

     Another Thanksgiving. Another trite attempt at encapsulating everything one is thankful for into one Facebook status. Another feeble go at trying not to forget someone or something for fear of judgement. Another impossible make-up day for being ungrateful the rest of the year! Another fake smile, another glib catch phrase, another excuse to make tasty food that OF COURSE you're thankful for! Really? Is this what we've come to celebrate? What are we celebrating? the traditions? The food? The Parade? The football? The Family? Or are we really *supposed to be celebrating the Lord, life, and liberty? I'm pretty sure that's what the Pilgrims were celebrating after all...
     Don't get me wrong: Thanksgiving is probably my favourite holiday! For all of the above reasons - food, football, family, and let's not forget the best part: the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!! But really?! Oughtn't this day be called Hypocriting day? Or Oximoroning Day? After we've spent the whole day - maybe even week - giving thanks (most people don'e even know to Whom!) for our blessings a) we commence compiling our Christmas wish lists before the feasting dishes are even finished, and b) we forget that we're supposed to "give thanks ALWAYS in ALL things"! It's not enough to be thankful for the good things, the blessings, the feasts and the joys; what about the days of struggle, the dark days, the trials, the things in our life that we never would have asked for and yet are called to bear? Yes, even those things! Because those are the days that God leads us on, when His light shines through, when He is faithful, when He offers to carry our burdens, when He receives all of the Glory! Do you think the Pilgrims would have been so thankful if they hadn't seen some dark, dark days? Do you think we'd be celebrating if they'd had a jolly good show and never a blight? Would we have a national holiday if it weren't for the deaths of thousands in one of the bloodiest battles the Civil War? um. No.
     So, I know it's late - we've already heard Jingle Bells more times than we can stand and most of us have a jump on the Christmas decorations and maybe a bit of shopping, too - but it's never too late to give thanks to the One to whom we owe so much! It's not about a day, it's about an attitude of the heart!
my "masterpiece" napkin art
     Oh, and in case you're wondering: Yes! I had a wonderful time with family this Thanksgiving! I ate lots of delicious things at Grandma's house! I was thrilled to watch my cousin play football at the Illinois State Highschool Championship game for his Senior Year! I did get a jump on my Christmas shopping. And I and my sisters enjoyed helping my Grandma decorate her house in 50 degree weather! God is good - ALL THE TIME!
Let's eat!
