Flying Solo!

Previously on “Crazy Corrie’s Chronicles”… *see link to “Oh the Irony…”
As promised, MORE tedious details of my trips you probably don’t care to know!
Mount Vernon farm - definitely worth checking out! :)
My most recent trip was SOLO!! Yeah, that’s right – it was CrAzY! A “match group”, two smaller schools combined to form a larger group – thereby decreasing the cost. But still, they didn't even fill one coach bus. Two thirds of the group came from the Chicago area & the other third from southern California. I loved both groups!! They couldn't have been more different and at first they didn't really mix, but by the end of the week (so like camp) everyone was friends! I have to be honest: I truly loved being the lead! Yes, it is a lot more responsibility, but I thrive on that! Thinking on my feet; sneaking peaks at my map when the kids weren't looking; reading plaques (the kids NEVER read the plaques) & acting like I know everything; rescheduling stops because of a flat tire; running like a crazy person to the Holocaust museum because our group was going to be late after our extra-long Capitol tours; pretending like I’m never tired or sore – always being perky at 7:30 am as we boarded the bus; walking all the way around the National Archives because I’d forgotten where the group entrance was but telling the group it was so the boy who’d been asking all week could see the Navy Memorial on the far side; telling the group the Potomac boat tour left 30 minutes before it actually boards so no one got left behind (& when they showed up 50 minutes early, encouraging the exploration of the Mount Vernon farm); eavesdropping on other tour guides & using their facts & stories with my own group…That’s how it’s done!  Just stay one step ahead of the group – that’s all there is to it! J (I’m kidding of course! There is a LOT more to it! Those are just the tricks of the trade as learnt so far).
Perhaps the coolest part of the trip – especially for the group – was our special talk from Dr. Marshall Foster. The director of education for American Christian Tours as well as the “co-star” (w/ Kirk Cameron) of the movie Monumental, Dr. Foster is a knowledgeable man dedicated to and passionate about the preservation of America & the communication of America’s Christian heritage! He spoke briefly to the kids one evening in front of the Lincoln Memorial inspiring them & challenging each as the future America to be the “one” who makes a difference! Because though our future may look bleak, “one + God = the majority!” That’s what it’s all about – never forgetting who is responsible for America’s existence in the first place! Yes, George Washington was pretty great, but his God is greater!
Okay, because you’ve been so good to read this sequel after having already been overwhelmed with my verbose tales previously, I’ll cut it short this time…plus I have a lot of packing to do and goodbyes to say at the moment…
Oh, I should mention here that I will no longer be reporting from the Chicago area. My grandfather’s house has been sold, and since we close on May 15th – during one of my trips – I’m moving out before I fly out next Monday! So, this is the end of the Chicago Chronicles saga. Before you ask, “What’s next, Crazy Corrie?” Let me just say, “I don’t know!” I’m hauling all of my belongings back to Wausaukee where my parents are graciously allowing me to dump it all for the time being. I have trips planned through June, so I’ll just be traveling and living in hotels & with friends till the season is over; but after that…only God knows! I’d greatly appreciate it if you all would join me in prayer as I look to my gracious, Heavenly Father for his perfect will in my life! I know He has great plans for me – He’s promised; and He’s never broken a promise –EVER!
(But if anyone knows people in England that I could live with this fall …that would be super! J )
