Ask. Seek. Knock.
Alright! Well, I'm back home - again! I know you're still waiting to hear some epic tales from the road, but before that, I thought I'd share some Halloween themed truth ;)
As you know, I travel a lot! And due to my frequent absences from Wisconsin and my home church, apparently I've qualified as "guest": or at least guest enough to serve as the "Guest speaker" for our church's annual fall festival/harvest party. However with historic tours at the forefront of my mind for 3 weeks, I had little time to think about or prepare for the unique opportunity which awaited me upon my arrival back home. But sometime between the day I landed in the Dairy State (last Saturday) and the day of our party (this past Wednesday), the Lord laid a message on my heart which I thought I'd share here as well. (if anyone wants to use this for their "trunk-or-treat" party, be my guest! :) This is a new format, so bear with me.
I. Jesus Is the Door - John 10:9 "I am the door, if anyone enters by me, he will be saved..."
A. Jesus Is the Only Way (John 14:6)
The porch light is on and Jesus is waiting. But the only way to receive the gifts that Jesus is offering, is to knock on his door! Trying to sneak in, or go next door isn't going to cut it (that's how a thief gets in!). Just like the only way those trick-or-treaters were going to get any candy was if they chose to knock on the door, so the only way we can get eternal life is by knocking on The Door.
B. Jesus Leads to Life (John 10:10)
No need to worry if your "treats" have been tampered with, if the house you're knocking on is Hansel & Gretel's witch, or of some terrifying trick is awaiting you. No zombies are going to jump out. Jesus is simply waiting with Life Abundant! All other doors and ways lead to death, but God's Way leads to Life Eternal! Other doors may look more attractive, may have brighter lights or more impressive decorations, but their end is the way of destruction! Don't be tricked! Jesus is the Only Way to Life!
II. Jesus Is the Giver - Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"
A. He gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11)
Jesus is better than that legendary jack-pot house in town - where all the *good candy comes from! No dum-dums or black licorice here! He wants to shower us with more blessings than our hearts can handle! If you think that sweet, old lady down the street gives good treats, you've never tasted of the sweet treats of Jesus!! Everything He gives, He means for our (those called according to his purpose) good. And He's already offered the best gift ever - His Son!
B. All good things come from God (James 1:17)
Just a few of the good things from our good, good Father include: Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, Hope, Joy, Peace, Strength, Victory, Freedom, Life Abundant & Life Eternal, Love, Wisdom, Righteousness, & the Comforter. [at this point in the lesson, all of the above were written out on candy-bar shaped paper and the kids took turns drawing one out of a trick-or-treat pail. They'd read the front, and I'd read the corresponding verse written on the back before pinning it to the bulletin board]. Obviously, these are just a handful of things God wants to bless us with. And though He's willing to give, just like trick-or-treating, don't forget to say Thank You!
III. We Can't Trick God - Samuel 16:7b "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."
A. God Looks at the Inside (Matthew 23:25-28)
Just because I wore an NCIS hat and sweatshirt, that doesn't make me an actual special agent. Just because I've had dinner with a real NCIS agent, that doesn't make me one! It's not the outside that matters: it's the inside! We may go to church and talk the talk, but that doesn't make us righteous! God sees our hearts. We might look really good on the outside - just like so many Halloween costumes - but that doesn't change who we are on the inside. Only Jesus can change us on the inside!
B. God Cares about the Inside not the Outside (Psalm 51:17)
Jesus doesn't' care about laws and sacrifices; He cares about a heart that is broken over our own sin and that is seeking Him with abandon! We don't have to try to impress God: He just wants our hearts. Nothing we can be or say or do will ever be good enough for the Holy God. We simply have to take the mask off and be real with God! "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13 Seek after Jesus with enjoyment and enthusiasm just like those little tykes scurrying around the neighborhood seeking after temporary pleasure and a whopping bellyache! You may not have the best costume in the neighborhood, but God doesn't care: He offers Eternal Life to all who Ask. Seek. & Knock!
So, that's a summary and a paraphrase of last weeks message from the special agent, special speaker :) And those pictures were all used in the PowerPoint as well, btw. But if I can leave you with one last thought: don't forget to taste! That's the best part of trick-or-treating after all: eating all the candy! :)
*also, if you want the Bible references for those "good gifts" just shoot me a message!
As you know, I travel a lot! And due to my frequent absences from Wisconsin and my home church, apparently I've qualified as "guest": or at least guest enough to serve as the "Guest speaker" for our church's annual fall festival/harvest party. However with historic tours at the forefront of my mind for 3 weeks, I had little time to think about or prepare for the unique opportunity which awaited me upon my arrival back home. But sometime between the day I landed in the Dairy State (last Saturday) and the day of our party (this past Wednesday), the Lord laid a message on my heart which I thought I'd share here as well. (if anyone wants to use this for their "trunk-or-treat" party, be my guest! :) This is a new format, so bear with me.
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Very *special Agent ;) |
Ask. Seek. Knock.
First of all, I started off with a bit of a skit. I asked for 5 volunteers to demonstrate their trick-or-treating skills for the whole group. Each took their turn at traipsing up to and knocking on the side, stage door while hollering "trick-or-treat!" Each was given something from behind the door where my trusty side-kicks were waiting. Three kids walked away with a whole (not "fun-sized" but awesome sized) candy bar, one kid got nailed by a water gun, and the last girl was surprised and the audience delighted by silly string raining down on her! The purpose was in part to amuse, but mostly to make a point: You never have to wonder about what Jesus offers when you knock: He gives only good things.![]() |
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
A. Jesus Is the Only Way (John 14:6)
The porch light is on and Jesus is waiting. But the only way to receive the gifts that Jesus is offering, is to knock on his door! Trying to sneak in, or go next door isn't going to cut it (that's how a thief gets in!). Just like the only way those trick-or-treaters were going to get any candy was if they chose to knock on the door, so the only way we can get eternal life is by knocking on The Door.
B. Jesus Leads to Life (John 10:10)
No need to worry if your "treats" have been tampered with, if the house you're knocking on is Hansel & Gretel's witch, or of some terrifying trick is awaiting you. No zombies are going to jump out. Jesus is simply waiting with Life Abundant! All other doors and ways lead to death, but God's Way leads to Life Eternal! Other doors may look more attractive, may have brighter lights or more impressive decorations, but their end is the way of destruction! Don't be tricked! Jesus is the Only Way to Life!
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A. He gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11)
Jesus is better than that legendary jack-pot house in town - where all the *good candy comes from! No dum-dums or black licorice here! He wants to shower us with more blessings than our hearts can handle! If you think that sweet, old lady down the street gives good treats, you've never tasted of the sweet treats of Jesus!! Everything He gives, He means for our (those called according to his purpose) good. And He's already offered the best gift ever - His Son!
B. All good things come from God (James 1:17)
Just a few of the good things from our good, good Father include: Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, Hope, Joy, Peace, Strength, Victory, Freedom, Life Abundant & Life Eternal, Love, Wisdom, Righteousness, & the Comforter. [at this point in the lesson, all of the above were written out on candy-bar shaped paper and the kids took turns drawing one out of a trick-or-treat pail. They'd read the front, and I'd read the corresponding verse written on the back before pinning it to the bulletin board]. Obviously, these are just a handful of things God wants to bless us with. And though He's willing to give, just like trick-or-treating, don't forget to say Thank You!
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III. We Can't Trick God - Samuel 16:7b "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."
A. God Looks at the Inside (Matthew 23:25-28)
Just because I wore an NCIS hat and sweatshirt, that doesn't make me an actual special agent. Just because I've had dinner with a real NCIS agent, that doesn't make me one! It's not the outside that matters: it's the inside! We may go to church and talk the talk, but that doesn't make us righteous! God sees our hearts. We might look really good on the outside - just like so many Halloween costumes - but that doesn't change who we are on the inside. Only Jesus can change us on the inside!
B. God Cares about the Inside not the Outside (Psalm 51:17)
Jesus doesn't' care about laws and sacrifices; He cares about a heart that is broken over our own sin and that is seeking Him with abandon! We don't have to try to impress God: He just wants our hearts. Nothing we can be or say or do will ever be good enough for the Holy God. We simply have to take the mask off and be real with God! "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13 Seek after Jesus with enjoyment and enthusiasm just like those little tykes scurrying around the neighborhood seeking after temporary pleasure and a whopping bellyache! You may not have the best costume in the neighborhood, but God doesn't care: He offers Eternal Life to all who Ask. Seek. & Knock!
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*also, if you want the Bible references for those "good gifts" just shoot me a message!
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