Chuckles (at my expense!)
Okay, so I know you just heard from me; now what's this? Two posts in one week?! Is the world ending? No. Well not that I know of? However, this is a quick humorous anecdote that I typed up way back in March. I didn't have WiFi at the time, so I never posted... Anyways, I thought I would do these shorties periodically and call them "The CC Chuckles". (yup. still a dork).
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He-larious! |
My first trip of the 2016 Season began with a few hiccups on Saturday: delayed flights, a few wrong turns, and forgotten dessert. But all in all it was a great day! However when I could finally get to my room at 11pm, I was exhausted! My students were safely tucked into their rooms on floors 19 and 20 of our hotel, and it was now my turn to call it a day! I took a quick look at my key card and saw that it began with a 2 and ended in 12. So I got off the elevator with my group on the 20th floor and began to search for my room in the donut shaped hotel. I saw the sign that pointed to my last two digits and followed it, meanwhile dragging my backpack, satchel, 2 bottles of water, my 50.7lb suitcase, and a half eaten, very messy chocolate mint cupcake my coach driver had given me (I had eaten the other half while waiting for the elevator!). Numbers are a struggle for me, but I can count to twelve and even 100 - some how, though, I'd missed it on my first pass around because I wound up back at the elevators where I started. So I tried again, sheepishly passing parents from my group on the hall for the second time. But no 112! By this time I was weary, confused, and covered in mint icing! How could they give me a room that didn't exist! Was this Harry Potter or something?! I was about to ask down at the front desk when I noticed the courtesy phone by the elevators. Punching 7 for the operator, I frustratingly told guest services that I'd been given a room that was missing! “Ma’am, we have a room 2112. Are you on the 21st floor. You're calling from floor 20.” Suddenly the light dawned! 21-12! I was on the wrong floor! “I'm so sorry, ma’am! I'm an idiot!” I told the helpful lady. “Good night.” I can only imagine that she assumed I was a part of the very drunk party that was mingling in the lobby downstairs! No, not drunk! Just my usual crazy self!
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