Chuckles (at my expense!)

Okay, so I know you just heard from me; now what's this? Two posts in one week?! Is the world ending? No. Well not that I know of? However, this is a quick humorous anecdote that I typed up way back in March. I didn't have WiFi at the time, so I never posted... Anyways, I thought I would do these shorties periodically and call them "The CC Chuckles" . (yup. still a dork). He-larious! My first trip of the 2016 Season began with a few hiccups on Saturday: delayed flights, a few wrong turns, and forgotten dessert. But all in all it was a great day! However when I could finally get to my room at 11pm, I was exhausted! My students were safely tucked into their rooms on floors 19 and 20 of our hotel, and it was now my turn to call it a day! I took a quick look at my key card and saw that it began with a 2 and ended in 12. So I got off the elevator with my group on the 20th floor and began to search for my room in the donut shaped hotel. I saw the sign t...