Before I dash off for another several months (peak tour season is upon us in Washington, DC!), I thought I'd scrawl a hasty note to those of you curious enough to muddle through these sporadic writings of mine for clues to my whereabouts and escapades. Forget about Crazy Corrie's Chronicles, this blog really ought to be entitled "Where in the World is Crazy Corrie?" To say that March was busy, may be an understatement. No 9am-5pm, five-day-week for this girl! No sir! I was out and about every day of the month (except for 30-31) and touring by 7:30 and to bed by 9:30 (on an easy day). O and did I mention I was sick every day of the month?! Now you know why they call me crazy! (actually, that's not why...). It's not the life for everybody though. And it's not the life for anyone to lead for too long, but I'm loving it while it lasts!
Before I left last month, I described with eager anticipation what my Heavenly Father was going to do in and through me while on the road (see
"And I'm Off!"). Going into this year - my third with American Christian Tours - I had the usual apprehensions but I also knew that God would go before me, that His name would be glorified through whatever situation, and that I would be made more like Him through the difficulties (especially the difficulties) as well as the good days! Wasting no time in proving His sovereign plan and testing my commitment to speaking truth whenever and wherever the opportunity presented itself, I found myself next to a girl on the plane bound for the AIPACs conference in Washington, DC.
American Israel Public Affairs Committee 2015 |
A sweet, inquisitive high school girl from Indiana, she was bound for our nation's capital for the gathering of friends of Israel! A Jewish girl herself, I listened intently as she described her family's business, her boarding school in Indiana, and the purpose and excitement behind the conference (Benjamin Netanyahu was in town after all!) Throughout our conversation, religion came up often. My job with a *Christian tour company piqued her interest: she was very curious and obviously impressed that faith played such a role in our spiels and mission! The whole flight I prayed and waited for any opportunity to present the Gospel. I didn't want this easy conversation - which edged near the Truth for hours - to end without it being of eternal value! But as the plane soared over the Potomac River and we neared DCA, my chances were slipping away. I found myself - out of habit - describing the landscape below: "there's the Washington Monument, the Capitol, Alexandria, the National Harbor..."; all the while wishing to speak the name of Jesus instead.
Sunset over Potomac and Ronald Reagan (courtesy of Google) |
We made our final decent and touched down at Ronald Reagan. As we taxied to the gate and passengers reached for their phones, I hesitated. My watch - now in Eastern Time - was ticking away. We were at the gate, people were rising, gathering their belongings, clogging, the aisle. And then she asked it: "So, what's the difference between Catholicism and Christianity?" In the hushed and stuffy cabin, I caught a few sidelong glances from passengers all around - awaiting my answer. Here it was - my open door. "Grace! Christians believe that we are sinners unable to save ourselves - it's through faith in Jesus and His grace and sacrifice alone that we are saved and given eternal life. Catholics believe that you must earn salvation; however, the Bible says that salvation is "not of works." O there was more! But now not only was Dana listening, but 5 rows of sitting passengers and a half dozen standing (with nowhere to go!). What an opportunity! What an awesome start to Season 2015! My commitment to speaking truth and waiting on the Spirit was rewarded with a platform I couldn't have imagined. It was a sign of things to come...It was just the beginning!
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