Pip pip and all that!

Before I dash off for another several months (peak tour season is upon us in Washington, DC!), I thought I'd scrawl a hasty note to those of you curious enough to muddle through these sporadic writings of mine for clues to my whereabouts and escapades. Forget about Crazy Corrie's Chronicles, this blog really ought to be entitled "Where in the World is Crazy Corrie?" To say that March was busy, may be an understatement. No 9am-5pm, five-day-week for this girl! No sir! I was out and about every day of the month (except for 30-31) and touring by 7:30 and to bed by 9:30 (on an easy day). O and did I mention I was sick every day of the month?! Now you know why they call me crazy! (actually, that's not why...). It's not the life for everybody though. And it's not the life for anyone to lead for too long, but I'm loving it while it lasts! Before I left last month, I described with eager anticipation what my Heavenly Father was going to do in and thr...