Let's play a game, shall we? "Where in the USA has Crazy Corrie been?" With my job as a tour guide being only seasonal, and my recent move back to Wisconsin leaving me rather stranded, I had nothing better to do this summer than take an EPIC road trip in my sweet car, Teddy the Taurus (Theodore Ford on special occasions), guided by my less than reliable GPS (called affectionately Maggie [or Mags] for Magellan) - together whom total a length of days greater than I -, and with of course my best friend, Jesus, to visit my friends and family across three regions of the United States in 25 days! So without further ado, let us begin!
I began on Independence Day (July 4th) by circling the north of Lake Michigan to arrive in Saginaw, MI. Four years ago, I did my student teaching there & stayed with a wonderful family who treated me as their own for the 3 months I was there; and to this day I consider myself a part of their family. The 4 days I was there, I watched fireworks (twice); ate at Tim Horton's (a lot!); watched 1600 Penn (became seriously distraught when I learned season 2 had been canceled!); played cards (with my extraordinarily patriotic deck of cards - Signers of the Declaration of Independence were on each card [2 for Jokers]); had a picnic; waded in Lake Huron (GROSS!); was nearly run over numerous times by psycho drivers (cart drivers, that is! In Kroger!!); tortured (uh, I mean *played with) Beth's cat; ate ice cream; devoured some delicious Funfetti dip; reminisced through my Freshman year book till the wee hours of the morning. And saw many of my beloved "students" once again (*sniff* so proud of them!! :)
Mackinac Bridge |
View of the Bridge from Colonial Michilimackinac Park |
Old Mackinac Point Light House |
Note my sweet hand of Declaration Signers! |
Bay City, MI 4th of July Celebration (on the 6th) |
Beth & me at the Bay City Fireworks |
Some of my dear "kiddos" |
From Michigan, I made my way to Columbus Grove, OH. The folks there - my college roommate & her sister, my friend - were good enough to show me all that Ohio has to offer! :) County fairs, Amish Country, & $3 movie theatres! Though my stay was short, it was sweet. And the timing was totally of God: unbeknownst to me, my friend was moving to Iowa just days after I was to leave!!
While in the Buckeye state, I saw bunnies, buggies, & a ligar; ate an elephant ear, fresh raspberries, & peach pie; came to love the slobber monster known as Megan; watched "Despicable Me 2"; took shelter during a tornado warning; and finally came to grips with the fact that VW Bugs are not Corrie-sized! :)
Megan loved the bunnies at the County Fair |
Beautiful Amish country |
While in Lehman's, the tornado sirens went off; we were quickly ushered to the stock room for safety!
Next stop: my buddy David in Telford, PA. Before I arrived at his parents', however, I took a detour to Hershey - "where the air smells of chocolate"...Not! But they do give a free tour & hand out free chocolate! My time in Pennsylvania was pleasant as always, and my PA bucket list was fulled - I had my Philly Cheese Steak; not only attended Calvary Baptist Church, but taught Sunday School! I watched the first dress rehearsal of "Once Upon a Mattress" - in which David was "starring" :). And I went to Chick-fil-a on their "dress-like-a-cow-get-your-dinner-free" night (I didn't dress up but David's adorable nieces did!)
Chocolate World! |
Picturesque Pennsylvania |
Mini-Golf with the Williams family |
South Carolina
Next stop: two of my oldest and dearest Northland friends - Brad & Miranda! It was a long way down, let me tell you, but well worth the drive! I had a fantastic time in Greenville just catching up and hanging out! I enjoyed lots of quality time with the ADORABLE and very funny Charlotte; finally caught a glimpse of the famed (in some circles) Bob Jones University; went swimming; savored some tasty Panara b-fast with another old N-land friend; got swindled at Starbucks; and imparted wisdom to the next generation: "What's a mouse say, Charlotte?" "GIVE ME MORE CHEESE!"
Mmmmm! Slurping some delicious Rita's with a very pregnant Miranda! |
Favorite pastime: chalk art!! (note Belle in the background - yeah, we did ALL the Disney Princesses :) |
Taking fashion tips from a 2 year old! |
Forsyth, Illinois
From Georgia, I began my long trek back north. Along the 11 hour drive, I enjoyed the flow of the Atlanta beltway's 8 lanes of traffic; wound my way through the Georgian & Tennessee Appalachian Mountains; gaped as I drove through Nashville & Chattanooga; crossed the Ohio river; and contemplated my long heritage in the rural farm lands of Illinois - when I finally made it to Grandma & Grandpa's in Forsyth, IL just in time for my cousin's wedding the next day! My family from Wisconsin had come down for the occasion as well. The wedding was absolutely beautiful - no surprise there; however, the most beautiful part was not the bride - who was STUNNING - or the reception - which was breathtaking- but the way that our Father God was glorified! The beauty of the Cross & Christ's love were truly the focal point. And just like the message of their "save the date" cards, "We <3 because he first <3 us!"
My WI family left the next day, but I stayed for a week: shopping, eating, delving into our family roots, enjoying the sweet company of my dear grandparents, evening walks, morning chats, football, and an evening out with my oldest childhood friends all add up to a wonderful week in the Soy Capital of the world!
Nashville! ...Tennessee, I'll be back! |
The Ohio River - I can just see Lewis & Clark floating down it... |
Mr. & Mrs. Peterson! |
Come on! Ring those bells! |
Aunt & Grandma |
Grandpa & Uncle |
Uncle Lavern's Purple Martins |
Megan & Katelyn! Crazy night at O'Charlie's |
Maroa-Forsyth football: Alumni (2 cousins) vs. Sr Varsity (1 cousin) |
Palos Hills, Illinois
After my relaxing and agenda-free week at the grandparents', it was time to continue north: to Chicago land. Just a weekend, but I sure filled it! Movie night; breakfast with my Aunt & Grandma; Lembas bread & an English Country Dance with my old pen-pal & family; Church & good-bye feast for the youth pastor & wife; afternoon in the park; Chicago hotdog; bonfire, marshmellow (etc) roast, and sing-along.
Mmmm! Lembas! |
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