We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this important news bulletin: Dr. Matt Olson is leaving Northland International University. This news could be likened to the emotion of watching your favorite television series year after year only to find out that your favorite leading character won't be returning in the fall - the actor's contract won't be renewed. Or, like the Doctor's regeneration: you know the next Doctor will be grand but he's not *your Doctor! I don't question the sovereignty of God in the life of our "Dad" MO, but I don't deny that I find it difficult to imagine a N-land without the Godly, transparent leadership of Dr. Olson. Having graduated several years ago, I've been removed from the college and its student body, but that doesn't mean that it's removed itself from me! The words of wisdom & example of humble Christ-likeness I received (from especially Dr. Olson) will follow me to my grave. So, thank you, Dr. Olson, for your father-like concern for the student body (I can't drive in a snow storm without thinking,"snow means slow!"), your commitment to not preach *at us but to "teach from the overflow," your lifestyle which exemplified "for from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen", and for challenging me to live a life in light of God's promise: "call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." 
God bless! My prayers are with you and your family!
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