Flying Solo!

Previously on “Crazy Corrie’s Chronicles”… *see link to “Oh the Irony…” As promised, MORE tedious details of my trips you probably don’t care to know! Mount Vernon farm - definitely worth checking out! :) My most recent trip was SOLO!! Yeah, that’s right – it was CrAzY! A “match group”, two smaller schools combined to form a larger group – thereby decreasing the cost. But still, they didn't even fill one coach bus. Two thirds of the group came from the Chicago area & the other third from southern California. I loved both groups!! They couldn't have been more different and at first they didn't really mix, but by the end of the week (so like camp) everyone was friends! I have to be honest: I truly loved being the lead! Yes, it is a lot more responsibility, but I thrive on that! Thinking on my feet; sneaking peaks at my map when the kids weren't looking; reading plaques (the kids NEVER read the plaques) & acting like I know everythi...