CCC #3: Wild Boys!
"SuperGirls" puppet stage |
I can hardly fathom that it has
been over one month since Chronicle#2.Though time has flown for me, I’m sure
you all perceived time to have crept by as you patiently waited for the next
Chronicle. (JUST kidding! J) With such a lapse of time, I will, of course, not
be painstakingly detailed or comprehensive in this Chronicle; and after last
Chronicle’s tormentuous length, I cannot again impose on so much of your
valuable time. So, in summary, this Chronicle will recount merely *selected
highlights of October and early November (such a task!).
Of greatest importance is my change
in position. Shortly after my last letter to you all, I was abruptly switched
from Teen Center employee to Lincoln Elementary Site Director. Basically, that
means instead of just doing whatever I was told and coming up with cool crafts
once in awhile for middle-school kids, I would be in charge of running the
whole program for one of our elementary school sites. “Being in charge” implied
that the responsibilities of communicating with parents, building rapport with
teachers and staff from 3 different schools, disciplining members, meeting with and delegating duties
to my staff, and recruiting volunteers
all fell to me (not to mention figuring out what to do every day with 30 wild
K-4th graders for 3 hours). Needless to say, I had a hard go of it at first!
The kids were WILD, the staff was dis-unified the programming was lacking, and
the teachers basically hated Boys and Girls club (or at least me!!). After several weeks of no apparent
improvement, I was very nearly ready to give up. If not for God, my strength
and my song, I quite probably would have! Perhaps you think me melodramatic; I
assure you, I am not! No exaggeration is contained within these tales I’m about
to tell. I need no hyperbole to embellish or prove a point; fact is sufficient!
Where to
begin…As mentioned before, my site averages about 30 kids a day: of that 30, 10
are 4th grade boys. As some of you may know, I HATE 4th
graders – almost as much as I hate 5th graders (thankfully, the 5th
graders were moved up to the middle school within my first week!). There are
reasons of course why I found 4th graders to be so tiresome: but no
reasons as valid as the ones I have now. My 4th grade boys are no
average troublesome school boys. I was convinced at the start that each was
demon possessed! They made it VERY clear when I first started that they had no
use for me and in fact wanted me gone! Blunt statements like, “This place used
to be AWESOME before you came,” and “You can’t tell me what to do,” and “I’ll
sue you,” “You’re stupid,” and even “I hate you” frequented their conversations
with me. (Usually, those speeches came as a response to my making them do their
homework during “Power Hour”! *gasp*). Ironically, their stubborn and unfounded
dislike for me made me more determined to stick it out! However, their constant fighting, yelling,
rowdiness, bullying, disobedience, disrespect, and all-around bad behavior came
to an unbelievable climax a few weeks ago. They were playing football as usual
one afternoon – tackle of course – when one of the touchier kids got his
glasses broken. Seth, my college freshman staff boy, suggested they stop
playing tackle and use the flags we had just gotten. Nope: flag football is for
girls! But not wishing for anything else to get broken (i.e. any bones!), Seth
insisted. And they attacked – literally! Ten 4th grade boys attacked
my 6’4”, 200lb staff boy! They took him
down! Jumping, kicking, punching, scratching…you name it! Seth called for help
after several minutes of struggling. I ran over to settle the dispute, but
instead found myself on the ground being kicked and punched as well!... Now,
most of you know, I don’t really get angry; it takes a LOT to get me worked up
let alone to take action. Well, this was MORE than a LOT!...Jumping to my feet,
I yelled the first punishment that popped into my head, “NO SNACKS FOR ANY OF
YOU TODAY!!” “You can’t do that!”… “You
HAVE to give us snacks – it’s in our contract!” …“We’re going to starve then
YOU’LL be in trouble!” …“We could SUET you!” Staring
them all down, I challenged them to try. They huffed off, still yelling, while
I consulted with my co-worker, Angie (the Columbian). She came to the rescue: in her car was a bag
of bland and stale crackers which she was more than willing to share! So, snack
time rolled around, and while all the good K-3rd graders got the
best snack of the month – Fruit-by-the-Foot – the delinquent 4th
graders got old communion wafer crackers! LOL (okay, maybe they *do have a
reason for hating me! J )
Two adorable 1st grade boys on Pirate Day |
Now, you
mustn’t think that all of the kids are bad, that I’m having a horrible
experience, or that my school is without hope because that simply isn’t true!
Things have taken a turn for the better as of late. Yesterday, I’ve never seen
the 4th grade boys so well behaved; I think they’re even starting to
like me (I got a fist bump out of ALL of them, and they didn’t want to play
ghost in the graveyard without me: even though the two cool staff boys were
already playing!!!). The girls are all very flatteringly adoring, and the
younger boys all find me their greatest confidant when the overly romantic
girls chase after them! So, I’m back to loving my job – even more so than before,
I think! Praise the Lord!!
I have so
many more stories to tell – of the
National B&G Club celebration, Dairy Days, our Halloween Party, my run in
with kids outside of club, my church-hoping tales – but in keeping with my
promise to keep it short (that’s a joke!), I must now close. Adieu. You shall
hear from me again; hopefully sooner than later this time!
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