Corrie's Chronicles - Student Teaching #2

Well, a whole week has gone by - A Whole WEEK! If this is any sign of how the rest of the 8 weeks are going to go I shall have no recollection of any of it due to the whirl-windedness of it all!! I must say that I really am enjoying myself - I love the kids even though many have already figured out that they can walk all over me (what they don't know is that I won't be so nice when I start teaching for real! mwa ha ha;). Anyways, in my time here I have found that the most insignificant things in life can truly have the greatest impact.

Take a pair of high heels for instance...before leaving Northland my fellow English major, Jen, and I were expressing our insecurities about truly looking the part of a teacher. Mrs. Coats' advice (in part) was to invest in a nice pair of pumps. Totally contrary to everything I have ever worn before, I took her up on her advice and bought myself a very cute pair of brown high heels. My mom, of course, objected; insisting I was going to greatly pain myself by standing in them all day and would most likely kill myself while walking. But, ritualistically, I disregarded her advice and insisted that they were the key to my success as a student teacher. I refrained from wearing them during break and throughout the holidays, and didn't break them out until the very first day of school. I must admit, I was a little apprehensive about it, but the walking and standing thing went smoothly with no hitch or falter at all. I patted myself on the back, and marveled that it had taken me 21 years to actually give heals a whirl! The next day that I pulled them out was on Thursday. This time, I was fully confident in my skill, and totally forgot that I was even wearing them - (the only time I was conscience of them was when I realized that I was towering over everyone in my 6' state). The day had progressed as usual with me going from one English class to the next, and I was trying to decide where to go for the last hour of the day (since there were no more English classes to observe). I found myself in my cooperating teacher's Spanish 2 class, which I was totally disengaged in - not knowing the language and all. During class Miss Torrey's phone rang, and noticing my lack of comprehension and interest she sent me on an errand. I simply had to go to the other end of the church (like a block away!) and give a password to a lady down there. Sure, why not...So I did. I tramped out of the class, through the gym, the lunch room, the class hall, and the church vestibule - never once thinking of my shoes. I peeked in the door, gave the password, and turned to leave. As I walked away, before the door had closed, I heard her call after me - and THAT is when it all happened...I stopped abruptly, attempted to turn at the same time, but the only direction I went was down, down, down! I totally wiped out and found myself sprawled on the carpeted floor. My pride severely wounded, I struggled to stand. Quickly realizing that my ankle was not about to hold any weight, I groped along the wall, and poked my head back in the room. Between gritted teeth, I asked what she wanted...JUST my name!!! (grrrrr). I quickly closed the door and tested my was going to be a LONG way back to the Spanish room!...I don't really know how I made it, but I did - and every time I passed a person, I sucked it up and walked like nothing was wrong...I finally made it back to the class where I sat in agony for about 20 minutes - all the while, feeling my ankle swell. Finally, I broke down and texted my friend, Beth Winter, to see if there were any chance of getting a ride home. She had to work, so I would have to wait another couple of  HOURS!...however, as I waited, Beth apparently was coordinating a plan. She got her parents involved who got the teachers involved who got the principal involved - until basically the whole school knew about my stupidity! So much for my incognito approach! Well, ice was delivered and advice rapidly given and comments of concern expressed, and smirks of disapproval over my footwear where also sent my way!...Let's just say I was very anxious to get "home"! But even there, far too much attention was given to my injury than I would ever care to have! I'm obviously not one for making a big deal out of my pains - especially when I had no valid or dramatic reason for it!!!! Well, I think a lesson on pride must have been what the doctor called for 'cause that's exactly what I got!!!...
Well, all, that was an extremely long email for an exceptionally short story!!! Sorry to take up your time, but that was my most dramatic event of the week, and I'm just, you know, trying to be transparent with all my dear friends ;)...Miss you guys!!!!!!!!
aka "Miss Hockaday" 
