Corrie Chronicles - Student Teaching #3

Well, two weeks down - only 7 more to go. But really it's flown! And so much has happened. Considering the amount of escapades I have to report I'm limiting myself to short one liners or at most a single paragraph. But don't worry: you won't be gipped of your laughs. Rather you're getting a smorgus board of humorous incidents! Okay, well, so first incident was, I think, Tuesday when I was sitting in on the 1st grade class for observational purposes. The cute little kiddos were learning about their eyes. And the teacher came up to one of the kids and asked, "Caleb, what do you like to use your eyes for? What do you like to look at?" The little boy got a smirk on his face, cast a glance in my direction to make sure I was listening, and looked back at his teacher and said, "I like to look at you." :) Obviously, it made me smile.
Today, Mrs. Winter told me that one lady came up to her at church and asked how the foreign exchange student was doing at the Winter house ;) (I didn't think that I looked *that* different!!!:)
Wednesday, while I was helping Beth with the spastic 4-5 year olds, one of the CRAZY little boys came up to me and said, "You look scary!" (I might add that he was one of the scariest looking kids I have ever seen!!!)
Thursday after school, I was standing around texting my brother, when one of the 9th graders, Spencer, came up to me. He was like, "that's a pretty sweet phone, but mine's nicer." I was like, "That's nice; but I'm just grateful that I have one." He continued, "Yeah, mine's pretty nice, but it would be even nicer if your number were in it!"...all I could do was laugh!

Friday, I was called into the office to man the phones for a while (since I'm such an expert:) while the secretary was running dress check for homecoming. When I walked in, I noticed a nice looking man whom I'd never seen before just hanging out, but I really didn't think anything of it since there are Tons of people around there who I don't know. Two of the seniors were in there too, taking care of random projects. The new guy began to talk to the seniors, and it was then that I realized that he was the BJU rep that was there for the day. We four all chatted randomly for quite a while; the one senior brought up the pick up line about the phone number that his brother had used on me the day before, and we all had a good laugh. A while later, the seniors finished their work and left. So, Mr. BJ and I passed the time of day before he finally tramped off to chapel. During lunch, I went over to talk to the two seniors that had been in the office. The first thing out of their mouths was, "Did you get Matt's number?!" "You could have used Spencer's line."...later on, several other girls asked if I had gotten the BJ boy's #. Then, on the way home after school, Mr. Winter was like, "I should have introduced you. He's been to China and taught English..." I never realized how interested everyone was in my "love" life!!! :) I think they're all set on setting me up with *someone*  - whether it's one of *them or not doesn't seem to matter...but I'm starting to get used to all of the boys from 7th grade on up waving at me every time I walk by. And random ones saying, "This one's for you, Miss Hockaday" when they shoot their baskets as I walk by. And most of the seniors staring at me but not listening to a thing I'm saying during class... such is my lot. As annoying as it is, it keeps me smiling...
until next time
~ Miss Hockaday~
