
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Special Joys of an All-Girls Bus

     I haven't much time; I'm off in the morning - back to Washington DC! I was there just last week on tour with a large group - 83 people and 2 buses. Though only 3 days long, the trip was a memorable one for sure! Before the trip, the school had decided to split the buses boys and girls. Because the lead teacher was female and I was the lead tour guide for the trip, I was privileged with the darling and far less stinky girl bus while my friend and coworker was tasked with the far more rambunctious and might I say obnoxious boy bus! :) I was already counting my blessings, but the special attention my bus received at every turn only compounded my thankfulness and merriment!      Our first run in was at Arlington National Cemetery: our group of 44 ladies was making it's way down the crooked walk towards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier when we came upon a unit of Army boys rehearsing for a rather impressive funeral later. We of course had to pause to watch...

Some thoughts for the Church

     I know, I know. I'm really bad at this blogging stuff. In my defense, I never said I was any good. I simply responded to the plea of the people to start this thing and made no promises as to it's consistency and brilliancy! However, as the Lord saw fit for me to be born in a time where my words may be published across the globe (theoretically) with the click of a button, I couldn't very well pass up an opportunity to speak truth, spread light, and be salt!      As usual, I have nothing profound to say - nothing that couldn't be copied and pasted from the world wide web or straight outa the Bible - but sometimes redundancy is the key. I know everyone's talking about how nasty social media has become and how divided the people are and how bleak, or depressing, or scary, or...blah blah blah. I'm done. I can't handle it. Christians, get your head out of your sorry butts and be LIGHT! Why are you fearing the world when Christ has already overcome it?! Why...