A Tribute

"Well done, good and faithful servant." November already? How can it be possible? As I look out my window at the drab, damp landscape - colorless, leafless, and sunless - I figure this is as good a time as any to finally compose the post I've long been putting off. As some of you may have heard, my grandfather passed away last month. In some ways it was no surprise, and yet it's difficult to imagine his smile suddenly gone from this world. We in no way regret his current freedom from pain and suffering - for it was great in the end, and we know he is with our Lord - but selfishly we regret that he's no longer with us and that the next generation of Hockadays have been robbed of having any memories with this dear man - the man who taught many of us to garden, or to fish, or to play the Price is Right; who faithfully video-recorded our every victory and defeat, our talents or lack thereof, his prize flowers and t...