How God Used a Late Bus to Transform Lives

Okay. So, yes, I know I'm way overdue for a post. Yes, I should apologize. No, your hinting that you miss hearing from me has not been subtle. Of course my lack of touring right now implies that I have lots of stories with plenty of time to write about them. However. That is an ideal world. I do indeed have plenty to write about - years worth of stories packed away in my little brain and scrawled hastily in my journal as I flew from one tour to the next. But does that mean that I will have the ambition to polish them all up and make them presentable for the general reading public? Unfortunately, no. I will, however, endeavor to - as always - tell you my favourites (which somehow always end up being the longest!) The other day I told this story to my pastor, and I thought to myself that surely I'd blogged about it already - it was after all, the highlight of my spring! But crazily enough, I'd simply told it numerous times - all over the country. B...