Crazy's Back!
Okay, enough of the somber Corrie, let's bet back to crazy! I shall tell you perhaps the most ridiculous tale of absentmindedness to date! "Out of the Mountain of Despair A Stone of Hope" Martin Luther King, Jr. One lovely evening along the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C., my delightful group from Anaheim, California, & I were dropped off at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial from which we were then walking to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial followed by the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Because buses cannot park anywhere nearby for extended periods of time, my driver, as usual, asked if I would call him when we were ready for him on other side of the Tidal Basin at the T.J. Memorial. Yes, of course I would! Once unloaded at MLK, I quickly gave my spiel about Civil Rights and then sent my group off to take photos in front of the 30ft "Stone of Hope" as well to choose a favorite quotation from along the sides of the ...