The Start of Something New
Okay, I know what you're all thinking: "it's about time you got a blog, Corrie!" And I would have to agree. However, both the fact that I have had little access to internet the past few years and the fact that I am exceedingly daunted by maintaining a blog have prevented me from actually committing to a public diary. But, it's a new year, a new time, a new me, and I shall attempt to both increase communication and limit my words. No more fasting then feasting. But I have no intention of serving Hobbit meals: do not expect me to post every 20 minutes about my life! I should hope you think better of me than to expect such senselessness! I would like to think of my posts instead as something like Lembas bread: one bite is enough to satisfy a man for a week! So, to the point & extremely tasty I shall be (my words, that is:) I should think you might also look forward to more of a variety of posts do to the increase in frequency: stories (real & fiction), maybe...